Greetings & Announcements—Rev. Susanna Consla Orensky
Gathering in God’s Presence
Prelude – Valentine Agranovsky
Acolyte - Mick Miller brings the light of God into our worship space
*Call to Worship (Read Responsively) - Steve Shewey
One: Open the gate! The Shepherd is coming!
Many: We hear his glad voice, calling us by name, leading us to green
One: We won’t follow the stranger’s voice. We only follow the One who
One: We won’t follow the stranger’s voice. We only follow the One who
brings us home.
Many: One door, one flock, one fold, one Shepherd. Open the gate! The
Good Shepherd comes!
*Hymn “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” 558
Prayers (Use debts in the Lord’s Prayer).
Proclaiming God’s Word
Scripture Reading - Ben Arriza
Gospel Lesson John 10:22-30, Psalm 23
(pg. 1123 in pew Bible; 1667 Large Print Bible)
One: The Word of God for the people of God.
Time for God’s Children with Pastor Susanna
(Children can come up to the steps for this lesson)
Anthem “Psalm 23” Choir
Sermon “The Pastural Life” - Rev. Susanna Consla Orensky
Responding to God’s Word
*Hymn “Lead Me, Guide Me” 583
(Come forward at this time to unite with our church family, for a prayer,
or to commit your life to Jesus Christ).
Hymn “Fill My Cup Lord” 351
(Eat the Bread when served. Please hold the cup and we will drink together.
Gluten Free bread is available in a special up in the tray & each cup holds grape juice.)
Gluten Free bread is available in a special up in the tray & each cup holds grape juice.)
*Response 47
Taking God’s Word to the World
*Hymn “Precious Lord Take My Hand” 628
*Acolyte take the light of God out into the World