Saturday, February 25, 2017

Bulletin 2 26 17

Welcome to Deltona Christian Church!  Today is a special day in the life of the     congregation.  As we remember the transfiguration we also celebrate a baptism. 
Today we pray that God ground us in the sacred.

  Greetings & Announcements                                                                  Pastor Susanna
  Minute for Mission
Gathering in God’s Presence
  Prelude                                                                               Ben Orensky and Jerilyn Consla
  Acolytes bring the light of God into our worship space
*Call to Worship (Read Responsively)                                                          Raemil Billings
 One: To all who are imprisoned,
Many: God says, “Come out.”
One: To all who are living in darkness,
Many: God says, “Show yourselves.”
One: To all who hunger and thirst,
Many: God gives food and springs of water.
One: To all who are far away,
Many: God makes smooth the way home. God will not forget us,
 we are inscribed on the palms of God’s hands.

*Opening Hymn                               In the Bulb                                                   638     
*Prayer of Approach and Lord’s Prayer                                   Raemil Billings
(using debts and debtors)

Proclaiming God’s Word
  Scripture Reading                                                                         Tom Snip               
Gospel Lesson             Matthew 17:1-9
              One: The Word of God for the people of God
Many: Thanks be to God!

  Time for God’s Children                                                           Pastor Susanna
(Children aged k-8th grade can come up to the steps for this lesson.)
  Anthem                                    Just a Closer Walk with Thee                                      Choir
  Prayer of Intercession
  Sermon                                   The Up High and the Down Low   Pastor Susanna
  Prayer of Commitment                                                                                  Pastor Susanna

Sacrament of Baptism
  Statement of Purpose
  Blessing of Water
  Act of Baptism
  Post Baptismal Prayer
*Baptismal Hymn              What was Your Vow and Vision                         177

*Baptismal Hymn                 Water, River, Spirit, Grace                              366

  Prayer of Confession
Glorious God, you are all wisdom and  a lamp to our feet,
yet we fail to listen to you and neglect to follow your  guidance.  Forgive us, heal us, and lead us on, that we may walk in your ways and be happy in your refuge; in Jesus our Christ we pray. Amen.
  Declaration of Forgiveness
The good news of our faith is this: if we call upon God we will be answered and forgiven.  That promise gives us peace and joy;
let us share that peace and joy with one another.
  Presentation of Gifts

Responding to God’s Word
*Invitation Hymn                           Transform Us                                              182

(come forward at this time to unite with our church family,
for a prayer, or to commit your life to Jesus Christ.)

  Communion Meditation                                                                                    Pastor Susanna
  Communion Hymn          Let Us Break Bread Together                            425

  Prayer for the Bread and Cup                                                          John Hamilton
  Distribution and Sharing of Emblems                                                  The Diaconate
(Eat the Bread when served. Please hold the Cup
and we will drink together. All bread served is gluten free.)
  Offering Meditation and Prayer of Dedication
*Response                    Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                         47

Taking God’s Word to the World
*Parting Hymn                 We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations                            484

*Acolytes take the light of God out into the World
*Benediction                                                                           Pastor Susanna
*Postlude                                                                        Valentine Agranovsky

Bulletin 6 7 20

Call to Worship:     One: By the calling of God’s Holy Spirit, we gather in the name of the living Christ to worship God. Many: Su...