Order of Worship
Greetings & Announcements—Rev. Susanna Consla Orensky
Gathering in God’s Presence
Prelude –Valentine Agranovsky
Acolyte- Mick Miller brings the light of God into our worship space
*Call to Worship (Read Responsively) - Jerilyn Consla
*Call to Worship (Read Responsively) - Jerilyn Consla
One: Come, let us use our voices to praise the Lord.
Many: Our mouths will shout forth praise.
One: Let us use our minds to ponder the wondrous deeds of God.
Many: We will call to mind God’s mighty acts.
One: With all of our strength and being, let us worship the Lord of love.
Many: We will worship from our depths. Our souls exult in God.
Many: Our mouths will shout forth praise.
One: Let us use our minds to ponder the wondrous deeds of God.
Many: We will call to mind God’s mighty acts.
One: With all of our strength and being, let us worship the Lord of love.
Many: We will worship from our depths. Our souls exult in God.
*Hymn “My Lord, What a Morning” 708
Proclaiming God’s Word
Scripture Reading - Rachel Orensky
Epistle Hebrews 10:11-25
(pg.1261 in pew Bible; 1873 Large Print Bible)
One: The Word of God for the people of God
Many: Thanks be to God!
Time for God’s Children
(Children can come up to the steps for this lesson)
Anthem “Thanksgiving Hymn” Choir
Sermon “Provoked” Rev. Susanna Consla Orensky
Responding to God’s Word
*Hymn “Near to the Heart of God” 295
(Come forward at this time to unite with our church family, for a prayer, or to commit your life to Jesus Christ)
Hymn “Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether” 392
(Eat the Bread when served. Please hold the Cup and we will drink together.
All bread served is gluten free & the cup holds grape juice.)
All bread served is gluten free & the cup holds grape juice.)
*Response “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” 47
Taking God’s Word to the World
*Hymn “We Are One in the Spirit” 494
*Acolyte take the light of God out into the World