Welcome to Deltona Christian Church! We gather together to lift our praises to God, in unity. In the bond between us we experience the presence of our Lord.
Greetings & Announcements Pastor Susanna
Gathering in God’s Presence
Prelude Valentine Agranovsky
Acolytes bring the light of God into our worship space
*Call to Worship (Read Responsively) Monica DePoy
One: Come, friends, to a great celebration.
In the midst of trouble, God is with us.
In the midst of trouble, God is with us.
Many: We come from our wanderings, our lost places;
we bring our struggles, our lost souls.
we bring our struggles, our lost souls.
One: God, who created all things, loses nothing.
Do not fear: God holds you very close.
Do not fear: God holds you very close.
Many: With hope for life and life eternal,
we offer our prayers and praise to God.
we offer our prayers and praise to God.
*Opening Hymn Steal Away to Jesus 644
*Prayer of Approach and Lord’s Prayer Monica DePoy
(using debts and debtors)
Proclaiming God’s Word
Scripture Reading Tyler Robinson
Gospel Lesson Luke 15:1-10
Hebrew Lesson Psalm 14:1-7
Hebrew Lesson Psalm 14:1-7
One: The Word of God for the people of God
Many: Thanks be to God!
Time for God’s Children Pastor Susanna
(Children aged k-8th grade can come up to the steps for this lesson.)
Anthem For the Beauty of the Earth Choir
Prayer of Intercession
Sermon The Value of Lost Things Pastor Susanna
Responding to God’s Word
Prayer of Commitment Pastor Susanna
*Invitation Hymn Just as I Am, Without One Plea 339
(come forward at this time to unite with our church family,
for a prayer, or to commit your life to Jesus Christ.)
Communion Meditation Pastor Susanna
Communion Music We Fall Down
Prayer for the Bread and Cup Monica DePoy
Distribution and Sharing of Emblems The Diaconate
(Eat the Bread when served. Please hold the Cup
and we will drink together. All bread served is gluten free.)
Offering Meditation and Prayer of Dedication
*Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow 46
Taking God’s Word to the World
*Parting Hymn To God be The Glory 72
*Acolytes take the light of God out into the World
*Benediction Pastor Susanna
*Postlude Valentine Agranovsky